Applied problems of thermodynamic approach to the analysis of geophysical information

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V.S. Portnov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Professor of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits Department, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

V.M. Yurov, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, director of the Research Center Ion-Plasma Technologies and Modern Instrument, Karaganda, Kazakh-stan.

A.D. Maussymbayeva, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Karaganda State Technical University, Senior Lecturer of the Development of Mineral Deposits Department, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.


To improve the efficiency of geophysical methods of mineral exploration we have developed the thermodynamic approach to the analysis of geophysical data, obtained by the well, ground, aerial or space surveillance.

Purpose. To establish the connection between the measured quantity in geophysical exploration methods with the physical properties of ores and minerals and their prognostic resources, energy dispersion of refractory ores and minerals, the possibility of enrichment.

Methodology. Elementary excitations (EE) in the ore and minerals (magnetic or electric dipoles, defects, etc.) are regarded as a system of non-interacting particles im-mersed in a thermostat. Quantum transitions, caused by the interaction EE with the thermostat will be dissipative (with probability of P) in contrast to the interaction with the external field (with a probability of F). The response function (RF) of the system RF = F / F + P to an external field (magnetic, electrical, gravitational, etc.) was calculated. As the response function of the system can take the magnetic susceptibility (magnetic survey), resistivity (electrical survey), the anomaly of gravi-tational acceleration (gravimetric), etc.

Findings. The formulas, which establish the connection between the measured quantities in geophysical exploration methods to the concentration of the useful component of a field of natural resources, were obtained. The formulas for predicted mineral deposits resources for a particular field and the formulas for quantifying the energy dispersion of refractory ores and minerals were obtained.

Originality. For the first time the methods of non-equilibrium quantum statistical thermodynamics were used for calculation of the measured values in geophysical methods of mineral exploration.

Practical value. The use of the suggested methods and formulas can significantly reduce the number of geological exploration (drilling, etc.), which dramatically reduces the cost of works associated with the assessment of the economic prospects for the development of a mineral deposit.


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