Preconditions of formation and criteria for prognostication of industrial endogenous uranium deposits on the Ukrainian shield
A.A. Kalashnik, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Exploration Expedition No. 37, State Enterprise “Kirovgeologiya”, Chief Geophysicist, Kirovograd, Ukraine
Purpose. The development of a new approach to prognostication and prospecting of endogenous uranium deposits based on the concept of initial concentration of components of uranium ore on the mantle level and the identified depth factors of the formation of industrial uranium deposits in the Ukrainian shield (UkrSh) from ore components of mantle.
Methodology. Analysis of geological and structural regularities of uranium deposits of basic geological-industrial types in the UkrSh based on new ideas about mantle source of ore components in close connection with lithospheric and asthenospheric depth inhomogeneities, fault tectonics and manifestations of ultrabasic alkaline magmatism.
Findings. New prognostication-search criteria of industrial, primarily with large reserves, uranium deposits formation on the upper structure floors of the Earth crust from the ore components of mantle were identified. It allowed identifying the most promising areas for further different-scale geological works.
Originality. New ideas about the features of the connection between the deep structure of the UkrSh and formation of industrial endogenous uranium deposits were refined significantly. The potential formation of industrial deposits of the main geological-industrial types within certain litospheric segments of UkrSh was determined. Conceptually new regional prognostication-search criteria for prospecting of endogenous industrial uranium deposits within the uranium-ore province of the Ukrainian shield were proposed. This allowed employing the new approach to the prognosis of industrial endogenous uranium mineralization in different geological conditions.
Practical value. Science-based forecasts were fulfilled to identify the areas promising for localization of industrial uranium deposits of the main geological-industrial types within the UkrSh. The most promising areas and objects for further grow of the industrial potential of the uranium mineral base of the Ukraine were identified.
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