Typification and areal distribution of splittings in coal seams of the Lviv-Volyn basin

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K.А. Bezruchko, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Geology of Coal Field of Great Depths, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

М.M. Matrofailo, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals under National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow, Lviv, Ukraine.


Purpose. On the basis of morphological analysis and paleoreconstruction of coal-bearing deposits to establish the nature to conduct typification and systematization of the areal distribution of splittings of coal seams of Carboniferous formation of the Lviv-Volyn Basin.

Methodology. To determine tectonic and atectonic nature of splittings of coal seams we have used the methods of paleoreconstruction and comparison of the thickness of initial organic matter in the compact part of the coal seam with such in coal-free deposits located in a zone of its splitting, taking coefficients of their shrinkage into account. The quantitative estimate of the reduction of the thickness of mother substance of basin’s coal was determined biz a way of calculations.

Findings. In the course of the execution of work, the morphological-genetic and morphostructural approach was substantiated. A rate of reduction of the thickness of mother substance of the basin’s coal was determined for a linear series of mature peat-coal (Pm – C). The morphological-genetic typification of splittings was carried out, and their main were revealed. It was established that in the Lviv-Volyn Basin tectonic and atectonic types of splittings are developed. The distribution of coalbed splittings along the area of the basin was genetically analyzed. Systematization of their areal distribution showed that it is of zonal character.

Originality. Study of the morphology of coal seams and, in particular, determination of the splitting geneses and their areal distribution is the integral part of the methods of formation analysis of coal-bearing deposits. Morphological studies open up possibilities in studying a series of questions as regards the formation, structure, comparative analysis and structural alterations of coal-bearing formations of typical coal basins and development of the methods of analyzing Carboniferous deposits.

Practical value. Developed morphologic-genetic typification of splittings of coal seams by morphological indications – mining-geological factors, is very important for characterization, comparative estimation and compilation of maps of morphology of coal seams and prediction of working conditions of the coalfields. Results of the morphological analysis of coal seams form the basis for predictive assessment of the potential for the coal presence, including deep horizons.


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