Training system for future specialists: quality control

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V.A. Romanov, Dr. Ed., Professor, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Discipline and Methods of Elementary Education, Tula, Russia.

V.N. Kormakova, Dr. Ed., Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Head of Pedagogy Department, Belgorod, Russia.

Ye.N. Musaelian, Cand. Sci. (Ed.), Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Belgorod, Russia.


Purpose. The development of innovative strategy of engineers and skilled workers training quality control (hereinafter – future specialists) in educational professional organizations on the principles of social partnership.

Methodology. Theoretic: theoretic and methodological analysis, polytheoretic synthesis and modeling. Empirical: research and generalization of the system, process- and competence-based approaches application experience, experiment, observation, surveys, expert evaluation, SWOT-analysis as a strategic planning method ,which identifies the factors of internal and external (socio-cultural) environment of organizations.

Findings. The strategy of the training quality control development process in educational professional organizations has been created based on the analysis and synthesis of the quantitative specification of the quality, experience obtained and success in the future specialists training control in educational professional organizations in recent economic and educational conditions.

Originality. We have built the predicative model of future specialists training quality control that meets modern standards and the principles of social partnership. The learning process control algorithm has been developed in accordance with the ISO quality standards in terms of implementation of the process approach in quality control systems (matrix-based responsibility, competence and remit of those responsible for the education process in educational organizations. The problem areas and diagnostic tools for assessment of the future specialists’ vocational training quality have been determined). The promising directions of innovation in the future vocational training quality control have been determined. We substantiated the parameters for comprehensive analysis of state of the system that ensures training quality on the basis of procedures for self-examination and questionnaire survey. The system of improvement of the technology ensuring vocational training quality has been developed. The mechanism of the future specialists training quality control system implementation in professional organizations has been specified.

Practical value. Application of the results in educational practice may improve the effectiveness of the future specialists training quality control system innovative development in educational organizations. 


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