Simulation for fracture bysmooth particle hydrodynamics code

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I.Ye. Shipovskii, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Oceanarium of Ukraine, Principal Researcher, Sevastopol, Crimea


Purpose. Determination of the influence of cracks presence on the stress-strain state and character of failure of a material, and also estimation of possibilities of the chosen calculation approach to solving the task of fragile fracture.

Methodology. By means of computer simulation by the SPH code (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) we have investigated the behavior of fragile samples under linear compression. The following basic parameters have been determined: distribution of tensions arising under loading, and formation of areas of destruction in samples.

Findings. We have obtained fracture patterns caused by linear compression of fragile samples with the initial central crack of different orientation. They show the influence of orientation of the crack on the fracture behavior. The use of SPH code allows us to estimate the tasks of deformation and fracture of fragile samples with cracks adequately.

Originality. The chosen computational technology has been developed and put into effect for solution of the considered class of tasks. The influence of cracks on fracture has been determined by computer simulation.

Practical value. The scientific and practical value of the work consists in the study of destruction of fragile samples with a crack under the linear compression, dynamics of the state of the samples, wave processes and mechanisms of their destruction; determination of the influence of the sample initial parameters. The suggested approach to computer design gives us an instrument that allows making scientifically reasonable decisions for setting up physical experiments. The sample destruction dynamics calculations in the two-dimensional design can be useful as necessary actual material in transition to the three-dimensional task, which extends the possibilities of computer design substantially.


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