The equivalent number of stress cycles in view of fatigue calculation of tumbling mill gear

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B.V. Vinogradov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Resistance of Materials, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop the technique of calculation of time depended loading for in view of fatigue calculation of tumbling mill gear.

Methodology. It is supposed that azimuth error of gears varies by logarithmic law. The actual irregularity of load distribution by contact line for all mesh cycles has been determined for calculated tooth. The technique of modes reduction to the most stressed mode and the technique of equivalent number of stress cycles determination have been applied. The techniques of equivalent number of stress cycles determination, durability factor calculation and working stress determination have been considered in view of open gearing of the МШЦ5,5х6,6 mill.

Findings. It is determined that the factor of irregularity of load distribution by contact line varies as a result of gear face runout. It has a certain value for each gear pair. There exists the weakest gear pair, which has the biggest irregularity of load distribution by contact line. The different stress values in the weak teeth are defined by periodically changing value of azimuth error. The weak gear pair engages into mesh periodically after defined number of turns. In this connection, time-depended modes may be reduced to equivalent, when open gearing is calculated. The analysis of equivalent numbers of stress rates shows, that the calculated value of working contact stress and working bending stress for the tooth can be increased by 1.20 and 1.26 times respectively, during the bending and contact endurance analysis.

Originality. The regularities of actual contact line deviations and the time dependent behavior of factor of irregularity of load distribution by contact line have been determined.

Practical value. We have developed the technique of determination of equivalent stress numbers during the bending and contact endurance analysis.


1. Vinogradov, B.V. (2004), Vidkryti zubchati peredachi [Open Gearings], monograph, USUCT, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

 Виноградов Б.В. Відкриті зубчасті передачі: монографія / Б.В. Виноградов –Дніпропетровск: УДХТУ, 2004 – 141 с.


Date 2015-03-27 Filesize 467.92 KB Download 2824



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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.1 2015 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building The equivalent number of stress cycles in view of fatigue calculation of tumbling mill gear