Formation of innovative corporate culture of enterprises to achieve strategic development objectives

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О.А. Shevchuk, Cand. Sci. (Econ.). Associate Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Senior Lecturer of the department of Theoretical and applied economyKyiv, Ukraine


Purpose. Analysis of the impact of corporate culture on intensive internal factors (dynamic ability of the company) providing leadership of the company in the market.

Methodology. The main methodological principle that is formulated in the work is semantic regularities of formation of corporate culture in the development of globalization processes.

Findings. It is determined that one of the main factors of formation of the leadership of the enterprises of metallurgical complex of Ukraine in the world market is the formation of corporate culture. Based on the empirical analysis of corporate culture of leading domestic enterprises of metallurgical complex we have established that to achieve leadership in the global market the enterprise should develop the institutional and cultural subsystem of innovative type, which stimulates improvement of the key competences, and subsequently rises the status of the enterprise in the international stratification system through motivation and development of communication policy.

Originality. Based on the empirical analysis of corporate culture of leading domestic enterprises of metallurgical complex we have established that to achieve leadership in the global market the enterprise should develop the institutional and cultural subsystem of innovative type, which is the basis for the development of innovative corporate culture, individual entrepreneurial motivations and innovative entrepreneurship.

Practical value. The proposed approach to development of the institutional and cultural subsystems of innovative type is focused on the human capital of the enterprise, provides opportunities to achieve high positions in foreign stratification system as one of the main dominants of the imperatives of development of domestic enterprises of metallurgical complex.


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