Syllabus structure in the formation of complex competences

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I.V. Gontareva, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economy of Enterprise and Management, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Purpose. The logic of formation of the subject-activity structure of the syllabus content, including evaluation of the efficiency of the enterprise development.

Methodology. The study used a comprehensive approach to building a model of subject-activity structure, which allowed integrating the content of the syllabus and interactive teaching methods to develop complex competencies needed in today’s environment by the students majoring in economics.

Findings. The dependence of the syllabus structure on professional goals has been identified. The essence of the complex competences needed for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise development has been revealed. The paper presents a model of subject-activity structure of the syllabus content, which combines the content of a particular discipline with the content of the competencies acquired by the students while learning the discipline and incorporated into different forms of training and practice. It is argued that group discussions and interactive techniques are essential to enhance students’ competence.

Originality. The developed and substantiated model of the subject-activity structure of the syllabus content can resolve the contradiction between the activity-based goals of education and subject structuring of its content; the model is based on the subject and activity principles. It is suggested that to develop a complex competence of students in evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise development it is necessary to apply the basic theoretical pattern: a system approach as a general scientific methodology; economic theory, the assessment of economic agents, in particular; management theory within the assessment of the level of production processes; quality control to assess the quality of the objects of different nature; information technology in the process of assessing the quantity and value of information.

Practical value. Application of the developed structure of the syllabus content and its relation to the complex competences required in practice, including the ones needed in the assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise development, leads to the system changes in the process of training economists and enables university graduates to solve complex professional objectives in a particular workplace.


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