Determination of technology parameters of the thick steep gassy seams mining with sublevel caving and coal discharge mining system
O.I. Kazanin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National University of Mineral Resources (University of Mines), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
A.A. Sidorenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate. Professor, National University of Mineral Resources (University of Mines), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
V.V. Sementsov, National University of Mineral Resources (University of Mines), Postgraduate Student, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Purpose. Choice and determination of the sublevel caving and coal discharge mining system parameters withuse of the mechanized roof support for thick steep coal seams of Prokopievsk-Kiselevsk deposit in Kuzbass.
Methodology. The complex method, which includes analysis and summary of theory and practice of the effective and safe thick steep coal seams mining; methane emission and rock mass statement field studies at the mining sections of Kiselevskaya mine; experimental-analytical researches of dependencies between mining system parameters and geomechanical as well as aero- gas- dynamical processes at the mining sections.
Findings. The advantage of mining systems with 3 sublevel entries has been proved. The rational parameters of the recommended technology that provide efficient and safe thick steep gassy coal seams mining have been determined for Prokopievsk-Kiselevsk deposit in Kuzbass.
Originality. The features in stress-strain rock mass statement changes around underground entries during thick steep seams mining by sublevel caving and coal discharge mining system have been determined. The dependencies between minimum stable pillars sizes and seam thickness have been obtained. The equation, which describes dependence between specific cost of section mining and sublevel parameters as well as seam thickness, has been determined.
Practical value. The recommendations conserning determination of the mining system rational parameters for various geological and technical conditions of the deeply inclined and steep coal seams of Prokopievsk-Kiselevsk deposit as well as choosing of the place of sublevel entries location and entries parameters have been developed. The recommendations about ventilation parameters of coal face area in various mining situations and various stages of sublevel mining are given. The area of rational use of the developed mining system with sublevel caving and coal discharge has been determined.
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