On the issue of simultaneous gasification of contiguous low-coal seams
P.B. Saik, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Undeground Mining Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. Substantiation of the rational geometrical parameters of spatial location of combustion faces in contiguous low-coal seams based on the established lows of middlemen subsidence during borehole underground coal gasification in Chervonograd mining region.
Methodology. The bench test allowed us to determine the common factors of middlemen subsidence during coal gasification on the location of wells.
Findings. We have determined the geometrical parameters of spatial location of combustion faces during coal gasification in seams n8andn8вfor Chervonograd mining region according to rock subsidence features. These dependencies allow assuring of stable underground gasification process, providing control over mining pressure and technological parameters of gasification processes.
Originality. Geometrical parameters of spatial location of gasification faces at simultaneous gasification depend on middleman thickness which ranges from 3.6to 6.6m.
Practical value. The obtained results of experimental investigations have sufficient accuracy for practical application and can be used to determine the places of wells locations during contiguous low-coal seams gasification in Chervonograd mining region. It will improve sealing of underground gas generators and increase productivity of power gas production from coal feedstock.
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