Restoration method for the database of trace elements content in natural waters

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M.N. Zhukov, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University, Professor of the Department of Geoinformatics, Kyiv, Ukraine

A.V. Klypa, Taras Shevchenko National University, Engineer of the Department of Science and Research, Kyiv, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of the method of restoration of the database of trace element content in natural waters of Poltavska oblast on the basis of the information available and determination of the universal model able to describe adequately the distribution of chemical elements in natural waters for areas with different natural conditions and different anthropogenic load.

Methodology. We applied correlation analysis to define the relationship between the chemical components of natural waters based on the linear regression of logarithms of the studied values. The mathematical calculations were performed using the software package MathCad.

Findings. The formula obtained as a result of statistical analysis of hydrochemical data allowed us to translate the concentration of hydrocarbonates in the natural waters of the region to the value of mineralization. The same formula allowed us to calculate the values of dry residue and the concentration of trace elements which contained in the database as a percentage of dry residues. Hydro-chemical database has been restored in order to meet the quality requirements sufficient to carry out the planned study of the chemical elements content distribution in surface waters of the Poltavska oblast.

Originality. We have developed the new database restoration method based on the logarithmic model correlation between the chemical components of natural waters. The efficiency of this method has been proved.

Practical value. In the MathCad environement we have created the module for computerized calculations. It allowed us to recover the lost data on mineralization, dry residue and content of trace elements in natural waters. They became available for future use. Module for automatic calculation can be applied for other data restoration tasks. The effectiveness of the proposed method depends on the statistical relationship between the studied components.


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