Study of burden, stability and safety of movement of mine cars with loose and firm mounting of wheels mowing along a rail track with burrs

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V.V. Govorukha, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, N.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Head of the Laboratory of Problems of rail transport Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To study the interaction of the mine cars with loose and firm mounting of wheels and the rail track with straight and curved sections and vertical and horizontal burrs affecting the state of burden, stability and safety of transport vehicles.

Methodology. We have designed the mathematical model of the movement of the vehicles with loose and firm mounting of wheels on axles of wheelpairs along the track with different burrs using the Lagrange equations of the second kind and have solved the problem of obtaining indicators of burden, stability and safety of mine cars.

Findings. We have carried out the theoretical studies of indicators of burden, stability and safety of mine cars movement along straight and curved sections of track which have deviations from regulatory requirements to the width of the track and horizontal and vertical burrs. The calculation model considers vehicles with loose and firm mounting of wheels and various rail track sections (rails, rail sleepers, fasteners, base) with the elastic-dissipative rigid and knuckle joints.

We have determined the influence of the parameters of the vertical and horizontal burrs, as well as the broadening of the rail track on the dynamic processes of interaction between mine cars and the track. The accuracy degree of the interaction process research results for different design models and assumptions for the mobile units and the track has been evaluated.

Originality. We have determined the relations between the parameters of horizontal and vertical burrs in rails and the changes in burden, stability and movement safety of the mine cars at straight and curved sections of the rail track. We have discovered the resonance phenomenon caused by the proximity of the frequency of forced and natural vibrations of cars and determined critical speed for the safe mode of movement. We have determined the right scheme and allowance for moving units with loose and firm mounting of wheels on axles of wheelpairs.

Practical value. The obtained results of the research can be used to develop technical standards for construction, maintaining and repair of the rail track taking into account valuation of allowances for the rail track width, horizontal and vertical irregularities, and providing the required burden, stability, and movement safety parameters.



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