Evaluation of the new rotational hypothesis of the Earth’s tectonosphere structure formation from the perspective of dialectical materialism
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- Category: Geological sciences
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 20:26
- Published on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 15:41
- Hits: 3828
K.F. Tyapkin, Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University,” Professor of the Department of Geophysical Methods of Mineral Prospecting, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To determinethe current state of the Earth tectonic development problem, that is essential for choosing rational system of training geological profile specialists for studying the Earth’s crust. All features of the Earth’s crust are closely associated with the development of the Earth as a whole. The main difficulty in achieving the assigned goal is that the idea of researchers on the Earth development is mostly hypothetical, its relationship with the formation of the Earth’s crust had been evolved over the time, but nothing has been rejected.
Methodology. The method of achieving the goal waselected to be the following – it was conducted the analysis of the materiality concept that was used, and the main advantages and disadvantages that determine its potential.
Findings. Therefore, the first analyzed concept was the concept of geosynclines and platforms that emerged in the second half of the XIX century with the systematic study of the Earth’s crust continents. The main advantage of this concept is that it is formulated on the results of direct examination of the actual Earth crust structures and is devoid of hypothetical assumptions. The main disadvantage consists in the lack of reference to the source of the forces that can explain the mechanisms of the structures formation, which are studied.
In the early postwar years an intensive study of the Earth’s crust within oceans started. It was carried out mainly by geophysical methods. Their main feature is their catastrophic shortage of parametric data on the geologic sections, which resulted in some uncertainty of the field observations interpretation results. Basing on the results of this Earth’s crust study within the oceans it was formulated a new tectonic concept, which received the name of the ‘Tectonics of Lithosphere Plates’. It is based on an idea of spreading of the ocean floor. From our perspective, this is mainly speculative concept that has very little common with reality. The attempts to extend it on conditions of the continents were found to be groundless. This is evidenced by the impossibility of explaining the concept of the basic laws of geosynclines and platforms from the perspective of the tectonics of lithosphere plates. But its main drawback is the absence of the description of the real source of the power which can explain the mechanism of crustal structures formation.
In the second half of the twentieth century the New Rotational Hypothesis of the structure formation in the Earth’s tektonosphere was offered, which is fundamentally different from the mentioned above. According to this hypothesis tektonic development of the Earth, and of its crust, is the result of the interaction of the planet with the surrounding space fields, and the specific source of the forces that affect the development process is the rotation tension field, which arise from the Earth’s tectonosphere due to variations in rotation mode. To identify the postulates of this hypothesis, we have performed the analysis of compliance of its main provisions with the categories of dialectical materialism. It turned out that they are fully consistent to each other. Therefore, to assess the reliability of the New Rotational Hypothesis of the structure formation, it was also applied a criterion of dialectical materialism – practice.
Originality. We have applied the laws of dialectical materialism to substantiate the New Rotational Hypothesis.
Practical value. We haveapplied a complexapproachto the analysis ofgeo-tectonichypotheses, which increases their evidence grade.
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