Detalization of tectonic features of the Sergeyevskoye deposit by means of the method of natural impulse electromagnetic field of the Earth

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A.D. Dodatko, Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor, Professor of the Department of General and Structural Geology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

K.O. Zmiyevskaya, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate student of the Department of General and Structural Geology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

N.A. Kozar, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.),Private Enterprise “Yuzhukrgeologiya”, Main Geologist, Dnepropetrovsk. Ukraine


It is established, that the spatial position and formation of the Precambrian ore formations depends on deep faults in a varying degree. According to the results of the electromagnetic field observations of the surface of the Earth we can judge the dynamic processes occurring in the rock mass, its stressed state, neotectonic phenomena, which is extremely important when tracing faults and identifying mineral deposits located near them.

Purpose. Toselect thefault sectionsof Sergeyevskoye deposit by the results of theNIEMFEobservation and to establish affinity of gold ore locationsand intrusive bodies to the faults.

Methodology. The research was based on the observation ofthe natural impulse electromagnetic field of the earth (NIEMFE)with the help of radio-wave indicator of the stressed state (RWISSS) and construction of schemes of flux density of NIEMFE.

Findings. The results make it possible to specify the tectonic features of the site, to identify the fragments of fractures of high order and to determine the associated gold mineralization.

Originality. Due to the data of NIEMFE we have located the isolated tectonic structures of higher orders at the field of the Sergeyevskoye deposit, which made it possible to supplement the existing tectonic picture of the studied area and to confirm relations between the gold mineralization and the intrusive bodies near tectonic faults.

Practical value. The identified tectonic faults give us the possibility to plan further prospecting of the field more efficiently. 



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