Geomechanical assessment of landslide slope stability by finite element method

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Ye.A. Sdvizhkova, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

A.S. Kovrov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

K.K. Kiriiak, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Centre of Scientific and Technical Services “INZHZASHCHITA”, Leading Engineer, Yalta, Crimea.


The intensive use of natural resources and increasing pace of industrial and civil construction has resulted in the destabilization of man-made geological environment and hazardous activation of exogenous geological processes (EGP), in the regions of Ukraine especially in Crimea. Currently, in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea an intensive development of land use for the construction of recreational, hotels and residential complexes is occurred. One of the most significant problems on the Southern Coast of Crimea (SCC) is the landslide-prone state for the most of areas to be allocated for land development. The complexity of landslides in SCC consists in a variety of factors affecting their general and local stability. Development of specialized software for numerical modeling to solve geotechnical problems allows accurately determine the impact of geomechanical and geodynamic factors on the stability of landslide-prone soils.

Purpose. To estimate geomechanical stability of a slope in the vicinity of Mogabi mountain (Crimea region) and to justify the efficiency of engineering protection techniques application via finite element method.

Methodology. The paper is based on a comprehensive study of landslide-prone slopes based on field observations of landslide processes, geotechnical studies of geomorphological and hydrogeological parameters, numerical simulation of object stability in engineering finite element method software Plaxis and Phase2.

Findings. The modeling of landslide-prone slope stability is carried out in finite element method software Plaxis and Phase2. The safety factors for the landslide-prone slope with consideration of geomorphological parameters and physical-mechanical properties of the rock mass by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion are calculated.

Originality. As a result of numerical modeling of geomechanical processes in the landslide-prone slope the values of maximum shear strength and total displacements at the soil mass that cause landslide are determined. This allows develop standard documentation for engineering protection of lands from exogenous and endogenous geological processes.

Practical value. The analysis of geomechanical stability fulfilled for the landslide-prone slope allowed justify the most appropriate way for engineering protection of the object from exogenous and endogenous geological processes.


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