The method of detalization of pollution spatial distribution (on the example of Kiev metropolitan area)
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- Category: Ecology
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:54
- Published on Friday, 21 March 2014 15:30
- Hits: 4055
M.N. Zhukov, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Professor, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
I.R. Stakhiv, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, postgraduate student, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Purpose. To create the method of detalization of spatial distribution of harmful impurities in big cities for ecological monitoring of the environment.
Methodology. We have reproduced the values of pollution parameters by digitized parameters of geological and landscape, and environmental conditions.
Findings. We have developed the method of improvement of representativeness of monitoring network. This increases significantly the conformity of the assessment of the ecological characteristics spatial distribution to real situation. We have constructed the maps of pollution of the city of Kyiv by dust. Multiple correlation coefficients have been found between the pollution level and the parameters of environment conditions. They have high values of 0.82–0.98. The example of the city of Kyiv shows us the effectiveness of the method. We have determined the parameters of environment conditions most closely associated with the rate of pollution.
Originality. The method of detalization of spatial distribution of harmful impurities in air is based on measuring of the multiple correlations between the pollution index and the index of environment conditions in the observation point. To register environment conditions we have proposed the point scale for 8 parameters (soil composition, relief, urbanization degree, transport traffic, green spaces, aeration, distance from the source of contamination, nature of the surface).
Practical Value. The method makes it possible to reflect the state of the environment in cities more accurately. This assures complete control over the state of environment by environmental monitoring.
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