Sposoby i sredstva povysheniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti massovikh vzrivov v karerakh po pylevomy factoru

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Kоlеsnik, V.Ye, Yurchenko, А.А., Litvinenko, А.А. and Pavlichenko, А.V. (2014), Sposoby i sredstva povysheniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti massovykh vzryvov v karyerakh po pylevomy factoru [Ways and Means of Massive Explosions Environmental Safety Improvement by Dust Factor in Iron Ore Open Cast Mines], Litograf, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 112 p. ISBN978-966-2267-47-1

The monograph analyses the basic mechanism of dust clouds propagation after massive explosions in the iron ore open cast mines and the levels of environmental hazard, and presents the results of the development of eco-efficient solutions aiming the reduce of dust emissions into the atmosphere. Authors suggest the method of determination of the height of iron ore dust particles vertical transfer under the influence of thermal factors. Authors have developed the technical solution to reduce the height of the dust cloud and its propagation length by optimization of the blasthole charge parameters and tamping charges in the form of a rubber stopper with anchoring system. Authors have improved the method of dust removal by dust cloud wetting and estimated the optimal drop size and volumes of water required. Use of the helicopters specially equipped for transportation and spraying water over the dust cloud has been suggested. Implementation of the technical solutions proposed diminishes the environmental hazards of massive explosions by dust factor to the “safe” level.

This book is intended for specialists in environmental safety, and can be useful for teachers and students.



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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
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You are here: Home Monographs Monographs 2014 Sposoby i sredstva povysheniya ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti massovikh vzrivov v karerakh po pylevomy factoru