Mine air conditioning: study guide

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kondicMine air conditioning: study guide / V. Kuzin, S. Alekseenko, I. Shaykhlislamova; under the general editorship V. Kuzin; - Ministry of Education and Science, National Mining University. - D.: NMU, 2014.-368 p.

ISBN 378-966-350-474-2

The main factors affecting the thermal parameters of the air as it moves along the excavation; some foundations of the heat exchange theory between the mountain range and mine air; thermodynamic parameters of the mine air are considered; the theoretical basis for calculating air changes in the excavations of different purposes are presented: ventilation due to the general mine depression and local ventilation fans; the methodology of the specific features of the thermal regime study in the deep mines excavation.

The ways and means of the thermal regime regulating in the mines; methods and means of the air heating in winter time are considered; means of antithermal miners protection.

Study guide corresponds to the program of «Industrial Ventilation and air conditioning« discipline for the students in the field of «Mining industry» in the branch «Development of minerals». It also can be used by project organizations in the preparation and professional development of engineering and technician enterprises workers as well as by graduate students and students in the field of «Mining».


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