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The theory of multi-layer winding of rubber-rope cable

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Zabolotnyy K.S., Panchenko E.V. and Zhupiyev A.L. (2011). The theory of multi-layer winding of rubber-rope cable], monograph, Dnipropetrovsk Mining University, Ukraine, – 151 p. ISBN 988–966–350–310–3.

Methodology of scientific research aimed at the development of the method of calculation force factors in coils of multi-layer rubber-rope cables of bobbin lifts is given here. This method takes into account absence of longitudinal cable pressure and dependence of layers stiffness characteristics upon parameters of multilayer winding.

Algorithms of applying calculation method for practical projecting purpose are developed here. Engineering methodology is based on mathematical models of
maximum power loadings and deformations.

Improved method of calculation force factors of multilayer rubber-rope cable winding and engineering methodology formed the basis of methodical recommendation used in projects by number of domestic enterprises.

Key words: methods of calculation force factors, rubber-rope cable, multilayer winding, body of the winding, longitudinal and diametrical cable rigidity, bobbin lift.


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