Improvement of the method of danger class definition of coal-mining solid wastes
- Details
- Category: Environmental safety, labour protection
- Last Updated on 10 July 2014
- Published on 10 July 2014
- Hits: 4884
Ye.A. Borisovskaya, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Ecology Department, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
V.V. Fedotov, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Ecology Department, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To analyse the methodology for determining the danger class of industrial wastes and to find alternative approaches to determination of the environment danger degree of mine wastes.
Methodology. Definition of danger class of mine wastes was carried out by calculation according to standard procedureby State Sanitary Rules and Norms no. and “Criteria for classification of wastes by environment danger class.”
Findings. The normative method of determining the danger class of industrial wastes was investigated; its main drawbacks were identified. The danger class of mine wastes was fixed by the statutory procedure. Inconsistencies between the wastes danger class calculated and their actual level of environment danger were identified. This inconsistency arises from the calculation of the hazard class of coal-mining solid wastes by this method and leads to underestimation of the amounts of the environmental tax. The danger class for the same mine wastes was calculated by the alternative method. The article presents the comparative characteristic of the regulatory and alternative methods. We have suggested the way of improvement of the method for determination of the industrial wastes danger degree.
Originality. We have proposed and substantiatedtransition from sanitary to ecological standardization. It will allow us to exclude the discrepancies in the results of the calculation for the same wastes and to prevent violations of the requirements for handling hazardous wastes.
Practical Implementation. The way of improvement of the regulatory procedure for determination of waste hazard class proposed in this work will improve the accuracy of the procedure and will prevent the understatement of ecological tax amounts for coal-mining wastes disposal in the environment.
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