Laboratory research of influence of face area dimensions on the state of uranium ore layers being broken

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O.Ye. Khomenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Doctoral Student of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

D.V. Maltsev, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To determine the dependence of uranium deposit massif destruction on the dimensions of face area using the laboratory modeling on the materials which are equivalent to uranium ores occurring in albitites.

Methodology. The represented methodology of laboratory studies of face area on the materials, equivalent to albitites includes: selection of an equivalent material, testing of physical and mechanical properties of the material, preparing the full volume of equivalent material and forming of the model on the stand, loading of the model and formation of the face area, photofixation of deformation occurred in the massif model. The way of determination of the similarity of laboratory model and the real object has shown.

Findings. Power consumption for the extraction of uranium ore in Ukraine has been analyzed. The method of modeling on equivalent materials has been substantiated. The methodology for laboratory experiments has been developed. Results of the numeric evaluation of the massif destruction by gradual enlarging of the face area of the stope during simulation of the process of breaking of ore layers have been obtained. The mathematical relations of destruction progress in the massif model have been determined for drilling substages where the uranium ore have been mined.

Originality. We have defined regularities ofthe massif destruction depending on the length of the face area of stope for development of uranium deposits in Ukraine.

Practical value. We have verified the correlation of dependences obtained by theoretical research by energy method and full-sized studies made by mine surveying method. The verification of the results shoved high level of precision.



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