Influence of rock massif stress-strain state on uranium ore breaking technology
N.I. Stupnik, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "Krivoy Rog National University", Acting Rector, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
V.A. Kalinichenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "Krivoy Rog National University," Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
M.B. Fedko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "Krivoy Rog National University," Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Ye.G. Mirchenko, Mine “Smolinskaya" of State Enterprise “VostGOK”, Chief Engineer, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Purpose. To study the influence of the stress-strain state of rock on the technology of uranium ore breaking and improve the drilling and blasting operations in the mines of State Enterprise “VostGOK”.
Methodology. We have used the following research methods: methods of mathematical, statistical and graphical simulation, method of systematic approach, method of economic and mathematical modeling.
Findings. As a result of the studies we found out that the following blasting conditions affect the drilling and blasting performance significantly: combined effect of static and dynamic stress fields both natural (caused by the geological structure of the undermined area or the rock pressure behavior) and man-made (created by means of various technical solutions). This can make breaking more efficient through improvement of the quality of ore crushing, reducing the consumption of explosives, increasing productivity of workers, etc.
Originality. We have found out that when breaking underground uranium ore in the narrow space the wells, commonly, are located in the points affected by the high compressive stress. This increases the resistance of the layer affected by blasting, and it causes incomplete breaking of ore or well shooting. In this case the actual specific consumption of explosives during breaking exceeds the optimum.
When breaking process is carried out in wide area and wells are located in the unstressed place the resistance of ore to explosion is reduced. This reduces the amount of energy spent on breaking.
Practical value. During determining the parameters of the drilling and blasting operations for underground mining of uranium ore deposits we recommend to use improved method of Professor Yu.P. Kaplenko, which takes into account the stress-strain state of the massif, and improves the quality of ore reduction during the breaking.
Рекомендованодо публікації докт. техн. наук Б.М. Андреєвим. Дата надходження рукопису 20.11.12.
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