Classification of the ways of the bore holes flushing

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Authors: A.A. Kozhevnikov, N.T. Filimonenko
It is presented a classification of types of boreholes flushing used during borehole construction. For the first time the classification differentiates flushing during the technological process of hole making and after it. The classification integrates features which have already been mentioned earlier in description of the flushing schemes but have never been considered yet. The classification allows arranging of options and descriptions of flushing according to the proposed succession of features in the concrete group. The classification makes it possible to conduct the review of the boreholes flushing systematically, to identify their advantages and disadvantages and application methods and plan ways of its improvement. The article can be of interest for specialist dealing with boring technologies.
2010_11-12 Kozh
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.11-12 2010 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Classification of the ways of the bore holes flushing