On the stability of the slope of the right-bank dam of Dneprodzerzhinsk hydroelectric power station

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Authors: B.М. Usachenko, A.N. Shashenko, A.S. Kovrov
Modelling of the slope stability for the right-bank dam of Dneprodzerzhinsk hydroelectric power station in the finite-element method software Phase2 by Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion has been carried out. Hydrogeological parameters for the dam soil using natural and technogenic factors have been evaluated. The causes of generation of funnel-shaped gaps on the surface of deformed slope have been defined.
2010_11-12 Usach
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.11-12 2010 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building On the stability of the slope of the right-bank dam of Dneprodzerzhinsk hydroelectric power station