Study of methane accumulation conditions in undermined coal-bearing rock massif

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M.Yu. Ikonnikov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Study the possibility of predicting locations of accumulation of methane gas in rocks containing coal-bearing strata in the working areas of coal mines in the process of face moving.

Methodology. The studies have been carried out through determining the locations of high, compared to the background, content of radon gas in the gas mixture of methane in the mine air.

Findings. The research resulted in localization of the areas of increased inflow of radon mixed with methane into the tunnels in zones of tectonic disturbances, indicating intensiveness of desorption of methane and radon decay products from undermined strata. It allows us to control the gas composition of mine air and locate potentially dangerous segments.

Originality. The author proposes the method of predicting locations of methane accumulation in mine air by means of radiation control.

Practical value. Timely identification of places of local accumulation of methane in coal mines allows us to prevent sudden methane emissions by technological measures, prevent accidents and reduce losses from delays in production process.


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