The analysis of sample objects on the basis of d-triangulation method in problems of oil and gas deposits prognostication
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 27 November 2012
- Published on 26 November 2012
- Hits: 4074
Authors: Ye.P. Zatsepin, Assistant of the Geoinformation Systems Department of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
The solution of the problem of the sample objects analysis on the basis of 3D-triangulation method is presented. The method uses the approaches of multidimensional scaling. The possibility of qualitative preservation of geometrical structure of multidimensional space objects in three-dimensional space is examined. The method has been tested for solving of clustering problem on the territory of oil-and-gas bearing Dnieper-Donetsk cavity in the east of Ukraine.
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2011_01 Zatsep | |
2012-11-27 397.31 KB 1179 |