Floods and their management in the Carpathian region of Ukraine
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- Category: Environmental safety, labour protection
- Last Updated on 21 May 2017
- Published on 21 May 2017
- Hits: 4440
M.M.Prykhodko, Dr. Sc. (Geogr.), Prof., Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Substantiation of the system of flood preventive measures and reduction of flood intensity.
Methodology. In our research, we used systematic, statistical and analytical methods for study of cause and effect relationships of flood forming and substantiation of anti-floods preventive measures system.
Findings. We provided characteristics of natural (precipitations, topography) and anthropogenic (reduction of forest area, decrease in water accumulation capacity of the territory) factors causing floods in the Carpathian region of Ukraine. Also, there were substantiated measures of flood prevention and management that form an integral functionally interrelated bioengineering system in the basin. This system is formed on the principles of theory of “manageable complicity” and is considered as totality of organizational and preventive (biological and engineering-technical) measures that create a new totality and provide for decrease in volume, absorption and accumulation of surface slope flow, increase in water accumulation capacity of territory, and, as a result, reduction of maximal flow module and water level in the rivers.
Originality. We substantiated the adaptive landscape principle of bioengineering system formation that provides for regulation of surface slope flow in the basins of the rivers.
Practical value. Principles of territory organization, optimization of lands structure and their spacial distribution in the river basins were developed with consideration of landscape altitude areas, while forest land improvement and engineering and hydrotechnical engineering measures can be used as methodological grounds in case of anti-flood system development in the basins of the rivers Tysa, Prut, Dnister and their tributaries.
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