Network business structures in the field of international trade

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L.P. Kudyrko, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assosiate Professor, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

I.M. Sevruk, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Postgraduate Student, Kyiv, Ukraine


Purpose. To investigate the genesis of the network economy concept and theories of transnational corporations development on the basis of different methodological approach; to define theoretical base of analysis of network structures and peculiarities of their forming under globalization conditions; to reveal the main trends of the world retail trade development using the international organizations research.

Methodology. The method of analysis and synthesis was used in order to investigate the actual approach to analysis of network structures and the essence of transnationalization of business in the field of international trade. A method of combination of logical and historical was used for the analysis of organizational forms of network business. A method of system generalization allowed us to define the key trends of the world retail market development.

Findings. It was defined, that the network economy was formed in the process of settling of the global and informational economy. The network economy is related not only to the development of information technologies, but also to the network business forms. Network structures are widespread among transnational corporations in the field of international trade, especially in its retail sector. The world retail trade can be described by an increased interest from international operators and in the nearest years it will remain one of the most perspective trends for investing.

Value and practical implementation. The article will be of interest to researches of transnational corporations in the field of international trade, especially in its retail sector and also to those, who study the reasons of expansion of these companies into the international markets and investigate the forms of network structures’ organization in current conditions.


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