The new composite designs for mine tunnel support
L.I. Storozhenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Professor, Poltava, Ukraine.
H.M. Hasii, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Senior Lecturer, Poltava, Ukraine.
Purpose. Creation of a new mine support system using effective and reliable designs. Development of design concepts. Justification of the effectiveness and feasibility of the use of the created mine tunnel support in underground workings during opening of a deposit.
Methodology. A complex of theoretical, analytical and experimental research was carried out. The existing support structures and their advantages and disadvantages have been analyzed. We have made experimental samples of the support constructions using the materials equivalent to real constructions by physical and mechanical properties, based on the similarity theory and conducted laboratory tests. Modeling and numerical calculations were based on the finite element method.
Findings. We have proved theoretically and experimentally the feasibility of composite materials use for excavation support construction, formulated the basic principles of its design and manufacture. Based on the research results we have proposed spatial plate-rod anchorage system that provides high load carrying capacity and reliability. The developed support system consists of spatial lattice and plates. Mathematical modeling identified effective ways of combining the lattice and plates and the required physical and mechanical properties of materials. Based on the design features of the support system we have developed the mounting technique. The pre-fabricated elements production technology was presented. The labour intensity has been calculated. The efficiency of the proposed method of mounting has been proved.
Originality. The new mine support system using spatial composite structures has been developed.
Practical value. The developed design can be used in the mining industry in the current economic conditions. It reduces the duration and complexity of work.
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