The hypothesis on the energy assement as for operational safety of function elements in coal mining machines

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Yu. N. Linnik, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Moscow, Russian Federation.

V.Yu. Linnik, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Moscow, Russian Federation.


Purpose. To develop a methodology aimed at determination of the time between overhauls (TBO) for coal mining machines based on the energy intensity of the unworked coal crushing.

Methodology. For specific stopes, where durability indices for augers as function elements were known, the values of specific power inputs for crushing of the unworked coal were calculated and then compared to the actual values as for the auger overhaul life. Based on the data, the graphs of auger TBO were plotted as a function taking into account the power inputs for crushing of the unworked coal in relation to different types of mining machines and augers. The energy resource for the function element was determined as the product of its overhaul life and specific power inputs for crushing of the unworked coal during the operation under specific conditions of resistance of the seam to cutting.

Findings. The research proved that, irrespective of operating parameters of a mining machine, the product of specific power inputs for cutting of the unworked coal and the TBO for the augers of such a design of a function element is a constant value. It is numerically equal to the total energy spent on crushing of coal volume equal to the auger TBO.

Originality. The forecasting of average reliability indices for newly designed and mass-produced function elements can be made based on the established relationship of specific power inputs for cutting of the unworked coal and the TBO for augers.

Practical value. The developed method for estimating the reliability of function elements based on the energy resource allows calculating the TBO for function elements of mining machines in relation to any conditions of their operation as far as coal seam resistance to cutting is concerned.


1. Linnik, Yu.N. and Linnik, V.Yu. (2011), “Calculation of the parameters of function elements in cutter-loaders based on electronic database of coal seams degradability characteristics”, Gornoye oborudovaniye i elektromekhanika, Moscow, no.2, pp. 42–49.


Линник Ю.Н. Расчет параметров исполнительных органов очистных машин на основе электронного банка данных о характеристиках разрушаемости угольных пластов / Ю.Н. Линник, В.Ю. Линник // Горное оборудование и электромеханика – М.: Новые технологии, 2011. – С. 42–49.

Date 2015-10-29 Filesize 446.63 KB Download 1068


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.3 2015 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building The hypothesis on the energy assement as for operational safety of function elements in coal mining machines