Identification of the results of utilization of the performance-based budgeting method in budget process

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A.Ye. Buriachenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance, Kyiv, Ukraine.

P.V. Lohvinov, Uzhhorod City Council, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Main Economist of the Budget Department of Financial Administration of Uzhgorod city Council, postgraduate student of the Zakarpatskyi Agroindustrial Production Institute under Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.


Purpose. This study focused on foreign and domestic experience of performance-based budgeting method utilization for formation, monitoring and evaluation of the indicators that appear during preparation of budget requests, applications, and in progress reports of the budget process.

Methodology. The research analyzed and visualized the algorithm of interaction between the budget process participants. We simulated the possible process of comparison of the results achieved in accordance with the strategic objectives and ways of their achievement, actual opportunity of objective evaluation of the results of budget programs and the subsequent decision making based on reporting information.

Findings. The results proved individual elements that distinguish performance-based budgeting method from other methods of budgeting. In general, this method represents the system of formation (execute) of the budget of corresponding level that shows correlation between planned (made) budget expenditures and expected (achieved) results.

Originality. Based on the research of successful international experience of the performance-based budgeting method we have developed practical recommendations concerning ways of improvement of implementation mechanism of this method in Ukraine. Comprehensive application of performance-based budgeting method must ensure maximum availability of budget information. This may allow people to understand whether or not the money is spent effectively, what goals are set by budget entities and public authorities, and whether these goals meet the essential needs of the community.

Practical value. The problem of identification of budgeting results complicates adequate perception and rapid decision making of budget holders regarding quality and necessity of certain services provided by them. The research revealed the nature of the component of results identification in performance-based budgeting. It highlighted challenges of the results identification process in order to improve the methods of budget programs monitoring. The research results may be used by specialists in the research of the budget process and employees of financial institutions and budget holders.


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