The interference immunity of the telemetric information data exchange with autonomous mobile robots
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 04 June 2015
- Published on 29 March 2015
- Hits: 5234
M.I. Kozlenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, Senior Lecturer of the IT Department, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To obtain the interference immunity of the data exchange by spread spectrum signals with variable entropy of the telemetric information data exchange with autonomous mobile robots.
Methodology. The results have been obtained by the theoretical investigations and have been confirmed by the modeling experiments.
Findings. The interference immunity in form of dependence of bit error probability on normalized signal/noise ratio of the data exchange by spread spectrum signals with variable entropy has been obtained.It has been proved that the interference immunity factor (needed normalized signal/noise ratio) is at least 2 dB better under condition of equal time complexity as compared with correlation processing methods of orthogonal signals.
Originality. For the first time the interference immunity in form of dependence of bit error probability on normalized signal/noise ratio of the data exchange by spread spectrum signals with variable entropy has been obtained.
Practical value. The obtained results prove the feasibility of using variable entropy spread spectrum signals data exchange method in the distributed telemetric information processing systems in specific circumstances.
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