Formulation of high-inhibitor drilling mud composition for well completion

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A.M. Andrusiak, Research and Design Institute of PAT “Ukrnafta”, Head of the Drilling Fluid Team, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Ye.Ya. Kotskulich, Research and Design Institute of PAT “Ukrnafta”, Second Category Engineer, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of an effective drilling fluid system using inorganic and organic inhibitors. Solving of the problem of environmental safety of the technological liquids intended for drilling, repair, and intensification of wells.

Methodology. Comprehensive evaluation of operational characteristics of drilling fluids using laboratory equipment and techniques for determination of the parameters that characterize the performance of the drilling fluids prepared for disclosure of productive layers has been carried out.

Findings. The results of the evaluation of inhibitive properties of drilling fluids with combined application of inorganic and organic inhibitors, limiting filtering through the core, and solubilization and hydrophobic effects allowed us to see the novelty of the approach to the creation of drilling fluid with increased inhibitory properties. Involvement of hydrocarbon compounds of plant origin into the composition allowed expanding the scope of thin clay drilling fluids taking into account the improvement of their environmental safety.

Originality. Authors present the differentiation of mechanisms of action of inorganic and organic inhibitors in combination with the ingredients of thin clay drilling fluid, providing conditions for optimizing recipes of its preparation and effectiveness of the intended use in oil and gas industry.

Practical value. The research results allow us to substantiate the effectiveness of the developed system of drilling fluids for providing stability of the borehole during drilling and preservation of filtration properties of reservoir rocks. The fluids that provide high-quality primary opening of productive layers by drilling wells can be successfully used during well workover. Thermal stability, wide density regulation range, sedimentation stability preservation, retention of filtration properties of reservoir rocks are the main requirements for well-killing fluids; and the developed system of inhibitor drilling fluid meets the requirements.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.6 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Formulation of high-inhibitor drilling mud composition for well completion