Technology of rock massif state control

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V. Demin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Professor, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

N. Nemova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Karaganda State Technical University, Senior Instructor, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

T. Deminа, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Karaganda State Technical University, Senior Instructor, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Yu. Steflyuk, Karaganda State Technical University, Doctoral Student, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


Purpose. The development of progressive technological schemes of roof bolting for mine tunnels for ensuring safe and effective support in the zones with increased stresses in the border rocks, unstable and broken enclosing rocks.

Methodology. The study of stressed-and-strained state, rock-pressure manifestations, conditions of the workings maintenance depending on mining-and-geological, mining and technological parameters that is aimed to establish the extent of their impact on the efficiency of the mine tunnels roof bolting and justification of support patterns ensuring stability and decreasing imperfection and costs spent on its mounting and maintenance.

Findings. The research resulted in technical and technological solutions aimed to improve the technology and means of roof bolting: carrying out in-seam workings on an outburst-prone seam; supporting development openings in unstable rocks; supporting preparatory workings in the zones with various mining pressure; constructing workings in the joint development of coal layers.

Originality. We have established consistent patterns of change in the zones of inelastic deformations with their development in time and dependence of contours stability on mining-and-geological and mining factors; determined the support parameters ensuring reliable operation of the working. Based on the analytical modeling we have developed technology, systems and means aimed to decrease the imperfection of contours of workings.

Practical value. The rational parameters and the field of application of roof bolting in the conditions of the Karaganda coal basin have been determined and justified. The rational technology of drifting workings has been developed based on controlling the geomechanical condition of the enclosing rock massif. Its optimum parameters depending on mining conditions have been determined. Progressive technological solutions on the ways and means of roof bolting of mining workings for complicated operation conditions have been found. The progressive technology of the development opening in coal-and-rock massif with complicated mining technological operation conditions has been developed. The parameters of roof bolting in the conditions of development of in-seam mineral deposits in the presence of the complicating factors have been justified.


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Demin, V.F., Baymuldin, M.M., Zhurov, V.V. and Demin, V.V. (2013), “The influence of the angle of installation of roof bolting on the deformation of the rock mass”, Proc. of the IX International Scientific-Practical Conf. “The Key Aspects of Scientific Activity”, Technical sciences, no. 16, pp. 68−72.

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