Forming the bilayer artificially created shell of georeactor in underground coal well gasification

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R.O. Dychkovskyi, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Development & Research, Professor of the Underground Mining Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Establishing the dependences of artificial bilayer shell forming by the variation in temperature and composition of blowing mixture to set the controlled movement of gas-gen for effective management of rock stresses and providing the space for the passage of gas mixtures.

Methodology. Analytical studies based on a scheme of the heat exchanger that most accurately describes the distribution of temperature field in the zone of the gas-gen were conducted. Forming the artificial shells in the field of underground gas generators was carried out in two stages through the melted rocks, located directly above the center of gasification and the creation of nearest wall rocks with altered properties in the length of the rock-mass. These shells carried out an important role in managing the stresses and establishing the necessary step of roof rocks lowering for passage of incoming and outgoing mixtures. Moving rocks studied on the test unit with special sensors. Numerical analysis used to determine the stress-strain state of rocks based on thermo-elastic-plastic deformation model. To get synthesis dependencies was used multiple regression method and applied universally data processing system of Excel-2013 tables.

Findings. Multivariate calculations of stress-strain state around the gas-gen for different values of the coal seam thickness, depth of mining and composition of blowing mixture were realized. The results were summarized for different geological conditions as dependencies of movements, destruction zones and displacement gas-gen contour.

Originality. The dependences of thickness of bilayer artificially created shell from pressure and temperature of blowing mixture and rock-mass deformations near gas generator are defined. Obtained formulas for determining these basic geomechanical characteristics necessary to select the method of rock stresses control and provide necessary space for the passing the gas mixture.

Practical value. The mathematical mechanism for setting heats in the rock mass was proposed. The dependencies to determine the main geomechanical characteristics that can be used for engineering method of artificial created bilayer shell thickness is determined for effective rock-mass control.


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