Soil contamination status using contamination indicators and the health risk

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Mustafa Abdullah Theyab*,, Applied Chemical Department, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Samarra, the Republic of Iraq; Department of Geology Engineering, Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hiba Kamal Lafta,, Applied Chemical Department, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Samarra, the Republic of Iraq

Basma Mohammed Ismail,, Applied Chemical Department, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Samarra, the Republic of Iraq

Fadila Sami Lafta,, Applied Chemical Department, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Samarra, the Republic of Iraq

Shaima Mahmoud Mohamed,, Applied Chemical Department, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Samarra, the Republic of Iraq

Marwah M.Rajab,, Geology Department, College of Science, Tikrit University, Tikrit, the Republic of Iraq

* Corresponding author e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2023, (4): 103 - 109


Knowing and evaluating the degree of pollution caused by the elements under study, and Statement of the potential environmental hazards index. in Samarra city-Iraq to know the limits of mineral pollution, because an increase of them is harmful to humans.

The first step in starting work for the current study, as the modeling was carried out in a field tour in November for each region in depth, the concentrations of heavy elements approved in the current study (manganese, copper, cadmium, mercury) using the atomic spectrometer, was used to process the results of analyzes of heavy elements in soils and represent them graphically and statistically, and then write the research in its final form.

Finding. To find out the source of soil pollution, whether it is a natural source or human-induced, in addition to the application of two models of environmental risk indicators. (Environmental risk factor and potential environmental risk index) to find out how the elements are dangerous to the plant or animal environment.

In this study measuring soil pollution is determined by the Contamination factor, Pollution Load Index, Degree of contamination, Ecological risk factor, and Potential Ecological Risk Index.

Practical value.
In the study area (1M on the right side, 2M on the side behind the SDI Factory, 3M inside the SDI Factory, and 4M on the left of the SDI Factory), which primarily shows an increase in the concentrations of the element’s cadmium and mercury in all areas of the study area by comparing them with the concentrations of the same elements in the earth’s crust.

heavy metals, soil pollution, contamination factor, pollution load index, ecological risk factor, potential ecological risk index


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