Talent management: a strategic priority for developing the enterprise’s intellectual potential in digitalization
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- Category: Content №1 2025
- Last Updated on 25 February 2025
- Published on 30 November -0001
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H.Y.Ostrovska*, orcid.org/0000-0002-9318-2258, Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
R.Р.Sherstiuk, orcid.org/0000-0001-6253-9421, Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
H.V.Tsikh, orcid.org/0000-0002-5049-3814, Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.V.Ivata, orcid.org/0000-0002-2461-6315, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.V.Tur, orcid.org/0000-0002-0534-2443, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* Corresponding author e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2025, (1): 147 - 156
Purpose. Substantiation of scientific, methodological and practical developments aimed at improving the principles, methods and tools of talent management in the context of the enterprises’ intellectual potential strategic development in the context of information and digital reality.
Methodology. To obtain the results of the research, general and special methods of cognition we used: definitional, component analysis; generalization and comparison, deductive and inductive methods; statistical analysis; balanced, methods of aggregation and scientific abstraction. To solve this problem, we applied cognitive, motivational, and axiological approaches.
Findings. The paper forms a theoretical and methodological platform for talent management as an innovative strategy for the development of the enterprise’s intellectual potential in the context of information and digital reality. We evaluate Ukraine’s position according to the criteria of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI). We identify the factors that affect the effectiveness of the company’s talent management system. In this article, we systematize innovative practices and key principles of enterprise talent management. The authors propose a new understanding of the essence of the categories of “innovative corporate culture” and “talent management system”. The paper developed a new landscape toolkit for the strategic development of enterprise talent management. We propose a system of HR-indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of talent management in accordance with the key stages of the HR service of the enterprise. This study improves the fundamental principles of talent assessment technology based on the modern management paradigm. The article reveals the current trends in the digitalization of business HR processes and highlights the areas of human resource management in which HR-Digital development is possible. The authors develop a mechanism for selecting talent groups at an enterprise, including the distribution of roles and responsibilities between different departments and internal staff.
Originality. We create a scientific position on the talent management of innovative enterprises and the prospects for their development. The authors develop an organizational and methodological approach to enterprise talent management, which differs in the set of elements, tools, and methods of talent assessment. We propose a system of HR-indicators for assessing the effectiveness of talent management, which is formed according to the key stages of the enterprise’s HR service and allows assessing economic and social efficiency. We prove that the implementation of this methodology helps to form the basis of a talent management system, which is an organic element of an enterprise’s innovative business strategy.
Practical value. The results of scientific developments and practical recommendations of the authors contribute to the implementation of an effective talent management system for making strategic management decisions in the context of developing the intellectual potential of enterprises and their network associations in the current information and digital reality.
Keywords: innovation strategy, talent management, leadership, digital technologies, HR analytics, agility
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