Environmental factors for land use restrictions establishment in Ukraine

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O.S.Petrakovska, orcid.org/0000-0002-9437-9730, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

M.Yu.Mykhalova*, orcid.org/0000-0002-2242-5507, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

* Corresponding author e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2025, (1): 076 - 081



The aim of the article is to determine the weight impact of factors that are directly related to the impact on natural resources and the environment, when restrictions are set on land use. These factors are namely presented in groups of natural, ecological and man-made (technogenic) factors.

The factors were identified using the following algorithm: determining a list of factors to consider when establishing land use restrictions; analyzing these factors were and grouping them into thematic categories; developing a questionnaire to assess the significance of each factor; selecting expert groups for the survey; conducting an anonymous survey; verifying the reliability of the factors included in the questionnaire; assessing the weight of each factor was.

An important basis for ensuring sustainable and efficient land resources and the creation of an effective system of city functioning, among others, is the establishment of land use restrictions. The significance of land use restrictions can be viewed from an environmental, economic, social and legal perspective. Reasonable ecological restrictions help to ensure compliance with established environmental norms and standards, which helps to protect the environment. An important ground for establishing such restrictions is to take into account the interests of all stakeholders in the process and the degree of influence of various factors. In this way, more rational planning and efficient use of territories can be achieved. The factors that are directly related to the state of the environment include groups of natural resources, ecological and man-made factors. The results obtained prove the need to take into account the environmental component when applying an integrated approach to the formation of land use restrictions.

For the first time, the weight of environmental factors that influence the formation of land use restrictions has been defined.

Practical value.
The results obtained as a result of the study should be considered and applied in the preparation and implementation of land use planning to ensure the most efficient use of land resources.

factors, ecology, environment, land use, restrictions, natural resources


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