Content №1 2022

Geology 5
D. V. Rudakov, O. V. Inkin A method to evaluate the performance of an open loop geothermal system for mine water heat recovery 5
M. V. Ruzina, N. V. Bilan, O. A. Tereshkova, I. V. Zhiltsova, E. V. Dementieva Petrographic composition and ore potential of low-temperature metasomatites of the Middle-Dniprean mega-block of the Ukrainian Shield 12
Mining 20
A. O. Ihnatov, Ye. A. Koroviaka, JamilHaddad, B. A. Tershak, T. M. Kaliuzhna, V. V. Yavorska Experimental and theoretical studies on the operating parameters of hydromechanical drilling 20
V. S. Portnov, S. B. , R. K. Atygayev, E. N. Filimonov, A. D. Maussymbayeva Assessment of sudden soil faults hazard when developing a coal seam 28
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 33
M. Medvedev, Ye. Shyfrin, Ya. Frolov, O. Bobukh Estimation of glass lubricant viscosity for hot extrusion of Cr-Ni steel and Ni alloy tubes 33
B. B. Rokhman, N. I. Dunayevska, V. G. Vyfatnuik, I. V. Beztsennyi. Co-firing of gas coal dust fine particles and synthetic peat gas. Part 2 Numerical studies on thermochemical processing of peat in a fixed layer 38
M. Hlukhoveria, I. Mladetskyi, K. Levchenko, O. Berezniak Beneficiation properties of ash-and-slag dumps 46
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 51
O. V. Fomin, A. O. Lovska, P. O. Skok, A. V. Rybin Feasibility study for using the fillers in the bearing structure components of a gondola car 51
K. Sosnin, O. Gerasina, Yu. Ribalchenko, G. Schullerus Disclosure of state uncertainty of the roller chain based on cross-correlation 57
A. Belikov, K. Kreknin, Z. Matsuk, V. Protsiv Lubricants for rail transport liquid (plastic) for friction pair “wheel – rail” 63

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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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