Content №5 2023

Geology 5
A. E. Abetov, D. B. Mukanov Structure and interpretation of the anomalous magnetic field of the South Turgay petroleum region 5
V. S. Savchuk, V. F. Prykhodchenko, D. V. Prykhodchenko, N. V. Khomenko Influence of the geotectonic regime on property formation of coal in the northern edges of the Donetsk basin 12
Zh. Saurykov, S. Istekova, A. Sirazhev, Zh. Aidarbekov Predicted resource assessment of Central Kazakhsta ore districts based on airborne geophysical methods 19
A. Tleubergenova, V. Portnov, O. Karpenko, A. Maussymbayeva, R. Madisheva Prospects for the detection of structures with hydrocarbon deposits along the geotraverse in the Shu-Sarysu sedimentary basin 27
Z. Ablessenova, L. Issayeva, K. Togizov, S. Assubayeva, M. Kurmangazhina Geophysical indicators of rare-metal ore content of Akmai-Katpar ore zone (Central Kazakhstan) 34
Mining 41
D. Zh. Abdeli, Wisup Bae, B. R. Taubayev, A. S. Yskak, A. K. Yesimkhanova Reducing the formation of asphaltene deposits and increasing the flow rates of oil wells 41
I. I. Chudyk, I. F. Dudych, D. A. Sudakova, Yu. D. Voloshyn, V. V. Bogoslavets Influence of drilling mud pulsations on well cleanout efficiency 48
D. Dovhal, I. Matsiuk Geometric modelling of face processing surfaces by planetary executive devices of tunnelling machines 54
O. M. Shahsenko, V. A. Cherednyk, N. V. Khoziaikina, S. M. Hapieiev Evaluation of coal mines’ rock mass gas permeability in the equivalent stress zone 60

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