The management features of the university preparatory department
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- Parent Category: Contents №1 2018
- Category: Economy and management
- Created on 11 March 2018
- Last Updated on 11 March 2018
- Published on 11 March 2018
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 4295
I. Liashenko, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Associated Professor of the Preparatory Department, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
S. Rudenko, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Purpose. To reveal the management features of the university preparatory department in the philosophical tradition of Plato, according to which the acquisition of knowledge is regarded as a way of life. The authors focus on: 1) the frequency of renewal of student flows; 2) the hybridization of education in the prospects of global transformation of education; 3) the need to adapt university entrants to higher education.
Methodology. The authors used the dialectical, system-structural, structural-functional method, as well as methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and expert assessment.
Findings. It is proposed to organize the management of the university preparatory department according to the philosophical tradition of Plato’s line, which allows university entrants to view knowledge as a way of life, and not as a service. The authors identified and considered the three major features in the management of university preparatory department that currently require special attention: 1) the frequency of renewal of student flows; 2) the hybridization of education in the prospects of global transformation of education; 3) the need to adapt university entrants to higher education. The author's solutions of the above-mentioned tasks are proposed.
Originality. The strategy of managing the university preparatory department according to the philosophical tradition of Plato’s line is developed, which allows university entrants to view knowledge as a way of life, and not as a paid service.
Practical value. The use of the results obtained in educational practice makes it possible to reveal the possibilities of knowledge as a guide to the fullest possible self-realization in life; knowledge as the possibility of achieving the goal in life; knowledge as an opportunity to find life predestination.
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