Energy efficient work of a coal mine dewatering plant
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- Parent Category: Contents No.2 2015
- Category: Electrical complexes and systems
- Created on 27 October 2015
- Last Updated on 27 October 2015
- Published on 27 October 2015
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 3677
Yu.T. Razumnyi, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Power Supply System, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
N.Yu. Rukhlova, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, postgraduate student of the Department Power Supply System, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
A.V. Rukhlov, Candidate Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Power Supply System, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Purpose. To improve the energy efficiency of a mine dewatering plant operating in the mode of controlled load consumer.
Methodology. The methods of simulation and operations research, and analysis of technological processes were used.
Findings. The research proved the expediency of the effective controlled load consumer operation mode for mine dewatering plants. The formula for determination of equivalent resistance of piping system considering the reduction of inside diameter caused by the mineral sediments was improved. The dependence of the efficiency of pump on its operating parameters was specified with the purpose of its adjustment in case of the pumping unit technical state deterioration. The dependence of the increase of specific energy consumption for pumping on the change of technical state of piping system and pumping unit was obtained. The research proved that the most energy saving mode of pumping in a coal mine can be achieved by taking into consideration the operating parameters of equipment of the main dewatering plant during the energy modes adjustment.
Originality. The change of specific energy consumption for pumping is determined through the model dependences and is compared with the actual values. This allows selecting the energy efficient operating mode for pumps and piping system.
Practical value. It was proved that the developed method of selection of the pumping modes by minimum specific energy consumption, provided that the payment for the consumed energy is done according to minimum time-of-day electricity tariff, allows reducing power consumption and cutting expenses on the power consumed by pumping by 20–25%. It also allows us to control and detect timely the main dewatering plant equipment technical state deterioration.
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