
Rehabilitation of operating state of a mine working by means of nonexplosive destructive mixtures

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I.G. Sakhno, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits, Donetsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop and introduce the new method of renewal of the operating state of mine workings, based on the destruction of the rock displaced into the tunnel by means of nonexplosive destructive mixtures. It will allow reducing labour intensiveness, assure safety of works and reduce intensity of rock displacements in future period.

Methodology. The author suggests a new method of mine working repair allowing re-fastening followed by destruction of rock without dynamic influence on it and requiring minimum hand work. On the basis of analytical studies involving solutions of the classical theory of elasticity and the theory of destruction of Griffith-Irwin the procedure of calculating the parameters of the method was offered.

Results. Industrial verification of the offered technical solutions was conducted by its implementation in the mines of the Donetsk and Makeyevka regions and the positive result was obtained. On the basis of the experiments the possibility and expedience of application of the offered method in mines was proven for the conditions of rock with durability in a specimen up to 50 MPa. The experiments showed some shortcomings of the method which will be eliminated in further research.

Originality. For the first time the method of repair of the mine working with destruction of rock by nonexplosive destroying mixtures has been offered and its parameters have been defined.

Practical value. The use of the offered method of renewal of the operating state of the mine workings allows providing destruction of rocks of any durability without the dynamic affect on surrounding massif and diminishing further displacements of rocks after repair.


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Date 2013-10-17 Filesize 462.88 KB Download 1509


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