Content №6 2024

Geology 5
I. S. Nikitenko, D. L. Teslenko, M. V. Netecha The material provenance of stone artefacts from the Novooleksandrivka kurgan 5
K. A. Bezruchko, H. I. Larionov, O. V. Prykhodchenko, M. O. Hladka Methodology for determining relative linear deformations in a rock massif of the sedimentary strata 13
Mining 21
S. V. Biehichev, H. S. Ishutina, L. A. Chumak, A. P. Hoichuk Assessing the reliability of a surveying and geodetic network based on a Markov model 21
L. Ezsias, K. Kozma, R. Tompa, S. Fischer Crushed stone supply challenges for infrastructure development in Hungary 28
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 38
B. P. Sereda, A. M. Udod, O. S. Baskevych, D. B. Sereda Quantum mechanical model of interaction of charges of metal atoms during creation of chrome coatings 38
Geotechnical and Mining ­Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 45
O. V. Fomin, A. M. Fomina, A. O. Klymash, S. V. Kuzmenko, A. O. Vorokh Analysis of the strength of the composite module of the body wagon-coal truck 45
P. B. Saik, O. S. Dreshpak, O. V. Cherniaiev, O. O. Anisimov Technology optimization for processing of raw materials from heterogeneous carbonate deposits 52
Electrical Complexes and Systems 59
T. V. Liabahova, O. B. Ivanov Active power regulation in wind turbines 59
O. M. Sinchuk, T. M. Beridze, O. Yu. Mykhailenko, V. V. Horshkov, M. V. Rogoza, R. Strzelecki Improving the efficiency of street lighting electrical systems 66
O. Aziukovskyi, Yu. Papaika, O. Podoltsev, M. Babenko, S. Shykhov Simulation of the operation modes of the catodic protection complex of pipelines in the approach of overhead power lines 73
O. Bialobrzheskyi, S. Yakimets Apparent power place in the instantaneous power of a linear quadripole with a sinusoidal current 79

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