Content №2 2024

Geology 5
A. D. Maussymbayeva, V. M. Yurov, V. S. Portnov, M. Rabatuly, G. M. Rakhimova Assessment of the influence of the surface layer of coals on gas-dynamic phenomena in the coal seam 5
L. Shumlianska, P. Pigulevskiy, V. Vilarrasa Three-dimensional density model of the mantle beneath the Ukrainian shield 12
S. Bolatbekuly, G. Umirova, M. Zakariya, R. Temirkhanova, K. Togizov Formation of prospecting criteria for copper-porphyry deposits based on the construction of reference models 19
Mining 25
I. I. Denysiuk, I. A. Skurativska, I. V. Bielinskyi, O. M. Syzonenko, I. M. Hubar Influence of relaxation on filtering microflows under harmonic action on the layer 25
S. M. Hapieiev, O. V. Skobenko, N. V. Khoziaikina, S. V. Podkopaiev, D. A. Chepiga Assessment of the state of the rock mass around the crosscuts under additional deformation disturbances 32
A. Sładkowski, S. Kuzmin, A. Utegenova, I. Stolpovskikh, D. Kramsakov Container technology for transporting rock masses in quarries 38
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 45
I. O. Vakulenko, S. O. Plitchenko Influence of hot plastic deformation on properties of the carbon steel 45
D. L. Bondzyk, O. V. Baranyuk, M. V. Vorobyov, M. V. Chernyavskyy, O. V. Kosyachkov CFD-modeling of critical deviations of combustion processes in pulverized coal boilers. Part 1. Construction of the TPP-210A boiler calculation model 52
M. Louz, R. Issaadi, M. Ferfar, M. W. Naceur Gold recovery from waste fine carbon using acetone as solvent (Amesmessa gold mine, Algeria) 60
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 67
Yu. O. Zhulay, O. D. Nikolayev Drilling wells taking into account the dynamic properties of rocks 67
V. H. Puzyr, S. V. Mykhalkiv, O. A. Plakhtii A hybrid ICEEMDAN and OMEDA-based vibrodiagnosis method for the bearing of rolling stock 74

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