Justification of the parameters of the information system assuring the underground mining safety

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A.I. Slashchev, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under NAS of Ukraine, postgraduate student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Substantiation of the parameters and development of a program structure of the information system assuring the underground mining safety based on the comprehensive assessment, operational forecasting and prospective scenarios of geomechanical processes.

Methodology. The project of the information system was developed using the methodology of the design of program models of computational processes, mathematical modeling of geomechanical processes performed using the laws of physics of rocks and continuum mechanics.

Findings. The parameters and structure of the new information system for the underground mining safety control based on the geomechanical factors has been developed. It includes: the subsystem that provides effective personnel management at industrial enterprises based on network communications technologies and mobile telephony; reference and information subsystem of decision support, that provides data collection, information on request, the primary analysis of normative and technical documentation, search for reasonable process parameters via the analysis unit; interactive subsystem of mining operations safety assessment based on the geomechanical factor, which takes into account the synthesis of algorithms for evaluation of the control object based on the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic, operational forecasting and prospective scenarios of geomechanical processes based on the state of local models of rock massif. The safety is assured through the increase of the staff cooperation effectiveness, disciplinary liability, as well as through the operational forecasting of the rock massif state and making early decisions on the maintenance of workings in the accident-free state.

Originality. The technique of design of the information system for the underground mining safety control has been developed. It takes into account the operational forecasting and prospective scenarios of geomechanical processes

Practical value. The use of information systems in mining allows us to increase the efficiency and safety of operations by ensuring the transmission and recording of operational information in the process of control over the solving of current problems, and through fast response to the emergencies caused by geomechanical factors.


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