Content №3 2022

Geology 5
D. V. Miroshnichenko, S. V. Pyshyev, V. V. Lebedev, D. Yu. Bilets Deposits and quality indicators of brown coal in Ukraine 5
A. T. Roman, V. S. Portnov, N. S. Askarova Tectonic peculiarities of the Zhailma structure formation 11
F. Baladah, M. Chettibi, A. Boutrid, A. Bouhedja Mineralogical and granulo-chemical characterization of veins 4 and 10, of Ain Mimoun baryte ore mine 17
H. Sviatenko, O. Karpenko, V. Bukhtatyi Oil and gas bearing potential of crystalline basement in Dnieper-Donets Basin – unbiased view 24
Mining 30
O. Vladyko, D. Maltsev, E. C. Cabana, Ia. Shavarskyi, R. Dychkovskyi Formation of the models of mining enterprise management 30
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 37
N. V. Morkun, V. V. Tron, O. Y. Serdiuk, A. A. Haponenko Complex measurement of parameters of iron ore magnetic separation based on ultrasonic methods 37
I. V. Radovenchyk, I. M. Trus, V. V. Halysh, V. M. Radovenchyk, Ye. V. Chuprinov A new method of disposal of concentrated solutions by crystallization of their components 44
A. R. Mambetaliyeva, K. K. Mamyrbayeva, D. K. Turysbekov, T. S. Dauletbakov, M. B. Barmenshinova Investigation of the process of sulfiding of gold-arsenic containing ores and concentrates 51
V. V. Sobolev, S. M. Hapieiev, O. V. Skobenko, V. V. Kulivar, A. V. Kurliak On the mechanism of ionization of atoms at compression of a substance by front of the converging shock wave 57
O. O. Tytov, V.P. Nadutyy, K. V. Babii, D. L. Kolosov, V. Yu. Kukhar Flat problem to determine the forces of destruction of pieces n disintegrators while being grabbed in thick layer 67

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