Mathematical models of hydrogeological conditions change on territories of tailing storages in mining regions

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G.P. Yevgrashkina, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), State Higher Educational Institution “O. Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University”, Head of the Department of Geology and Geohydrology, Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

E.A. Maksimova, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Development of Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukrainе


Purpose. Creation of mathematical models of changes in hydrological conditions on the basis of the mathematical description of multifactorial processes in the mining areas and the surrounding areas.

Methodology. The mathematical model has been plotted based on hydrodynamic grids and consists of two parts, filtration and migration. The filtration has been described by three-dimensional equations of mathematical physics in partial derivatives of elliptic and parabolic types. Tasks of the planned filtration have been solved by streamlines. The calculation has been performed by the equations of Laplace, Fourier and Poisson. The migration part has been plotted based on the theory of physicochemical hydrodynamics of porous media: the piston displacement, ordered micro-dispersion (Lowery) and unordered micro- and macro-dispersion.

Findings. The expediency of hydrodynamic scheme “seam-strip” application with the implementation of the analytical solutions of the Fourier equation by method of double superposition to consider the river drainage influence has been proved. The “disordered macro-dispersion” migration scheme closely corresponds to hydrogeological conditions of the areas adjacent to the tailings.

The results of direct solutions of epignosic tasks correspond well with the regime observations which prove the adequacy of the model.

Scientific novelty. The proposed mathematical models of the hydrogeological conditions of the changes occurring in specific areas of intense human impact do not have analogues.

Practical value. Mathematical models of hydrogeological conditions changes of the areas adjacent to local sources of groundwater contamination is an important and mandatory component of modern hydrological monitoring.


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