Estimation of gas saturation in nearfield reservoir bed by geop hysical data

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Ye.V. Solodkiy, Taras Shevshenko Kyiv National University, postgraduate, Kyiv, Ukraine

O.M. Karpenko, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Professor, Taras Shevshenko Kyiv National University, Head of the Petroleum Geology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine


Purpose. To create a method of porosity determination for gas-saturated clastic rocks that consider the influence of the radial inhomogeneity of the distribution of the residual gas saturation in the area of drilling fluid filtrate invasion.

Methodology. The interpretation and reinterpretation of logging material of reservoirs of the same age, lithology, depth and different from the test result saturation was done (porosity determination from the acoustic, electric and radioactive logs).

Findings. The saturation type influence on porosity methods screenings was found. The mechanism of simple reservoirs invasion zone and the distribution of the residual gas saturation in it have been analyzed. The basic shortcomings of the existing methods of determining the porosity of the gas-saturated reservoirs were shown. There are features of different well logging techniques on their radial depth of investigation and the impact of residual gas saturation on their readings. The approach allowing to evaluate changes in residual gas saturation in the radial direction from the wells and the detection of gas-saturated reservoir rocks according to neutron and acoustic methods was developed on the basis of the well logging radial depth of investigation analysis and gas saturation impact analysis. Theoretical conclusions were confirmed by statistical analysis of well logging interpretation results.

Originality. The approach proposed in the paper allows adequate accounting of the effect of residual gas saturation on the porosity determined from well-logging.

Practical value. The technique for estimation porosity of gas-saturated reservoirs and calculation of the coefficients of the residual gas saturation at distances that equal to porosity methods range of research. 


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Date 2014-11-10 Filesize 155.37 KB Download 1103


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