Calculation of the balanced mode of the electric drive of a sucker rod oil pump for a marginal well
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- Category: Electrical complexes and systems
- Last Updated on 23 September 2014
- Published on 23 September 2014
- Hits: 5703
A.V. Malyar, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor of the Department of Electric Drive, Lviv, Ukraine
A.S.Andreishyn, Lviv Polytechnic National University, postgraduate student,Lviv, Ukraine.
Objectives. Description of the method of calculating swing frequency of the balance beam of the sucker rod pump of the rod oil-pumping unit for a marginal well which ensures continuous operation with maximum filling of the pump.
Methodology. The calculation algorithm relies on high-adequacy mathematical models of the sucker-rod pump and pumping power, and on the method of calculating periodic dependences of stationary mode coordinates for the electric drive of the unit on the basis of solving a boundary problem for a system of differential equations describing electric drive system dynamics.
Findings. The developed mathematical model for calculating the operational mode coordinates of the sucker rod pump as a function of the flow rate change allows determining the swing frequency of the balance beam corresponding to the continuous operation of the pump unit with the probable maximum filling of the pump during the whole maintenance-free period.
Originality. We gave adequate description of the electric drive of the oil pumping unit based on the closed system of differential equations describing dynamics of the electric drive and calculation of periodic dependencies of coordinates versus angle of rotation, which ensures high-speed operation of the control algorithm.
Practical value. The software program developed on the basis of the devised algorithm enables real-time analysis of the suckerrod pump operation, which makes it possible to forecast the pump work and form controlling impacts relying on the information obtained in the course of the unit operation with a view to ensuring balance between oilwithdrawal and in flow into the well, which renders periodicoperation unnecessary.
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